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Key Bindings Reference

The following table lists the default Tui command key bindings. These can be overridden with the --tui-key-bindings command line option or in the bindings section of the configuration file.

toggle-helpToggle helph
toggle-help-altToggle help (alternative binding)?
toggle-settingsToggle settingss
toggle-settings-tuiOpen settings (Tui tab)1
toggle-settings-traceOpen settings (Trace tab)2
toggle-settings-dnsOpen settings (Dns tab)3
toggle-settings-geoipOpen settings (GeoIp tab)4
toggle-settings-bindingsOpen settings (Bindings tab)5
toggle-settings-themeOpen settings (Theme tab)6
toggle-settings-columnsOpen settings (Columns tab)7
next-hopSelect next hopdown
previous-hopSelect previous hopup
next-traceSelect next traceright
previous-traceSelect previous traceleft
next-hop-addressSelect next hop address.
previous-hop-addressSelect previous hop address,
address-mode-ipShow IP address onlyi
address-mode-hostShow hostname onlyn
address-mode-bothShow both IP address and hostnameb
toggle-freezeToggle freezing the displayctrl+f
toggle-chartToggle the chartc
toggle-mapToggle the GeoIp mapm
toggle-flowsToggle the flowsf
expand-privacyExpand hop privacyp
contract-privacyContract hop privacyo
expand-hostsExpand the hosts shown per hop]
expand-hosts-maxExpand the hosts shown per hop to the maximum}
contract-hostsContract the hosts shown per hop[
contract-hosts-minContract the hosts shown per hop to the minimum{
chart-zoom-inZoom in the chart=
chart-zoom-outZoom out the chart-
clear-trace-dataClear all trace datactrl+r
clear-dns-cacheFlush the DNS cachectrl+k
clear-selectionClear the current selectionesc
toggle-as-infoToggle AS info displayz
toggle-hop-detailsToggle hop detailsd
quitQuit the applicationq
quit-preserve-screenQuit the application and preserve the screenshift+q

The supported modifiers are: shift, ctrl, alt, super, hyper & meta. Multiple modifiers may be specified, for example ctrl+shift+b.