Key Bindings Reference
The following table lists the default Tui command key bindings. These can be overridden with the --tui-key-bindings
command line option or in the bindings
section of the configuration file.
Command | Description | Default |
toggle-help | Toggle help | h |
toggle-help-alt | Toggle help (alternative binding) | ? |
toggle-settings | Toggle settings | s |
toggle-settings-tui | Open settings (Tui tab) | 1 |
toggle-settings-trace | Open settings (Trace tab) | 2 |
toggle-settings-dns | Open settings (Dns tab) | 3 |
toggle-settings-geoip | Open settings (GeoIp tab) | 4 |
toggle-settings-bindings | Open settings (Bindings tab) | 5 |
toggle-settings-theme | Open settings (Theme tab) | 6 |
toggle-settings-columns | Open settings (Columns tab) | 7 |
next-hop | Select next hop | down |
previous-hop | Select previous hop | up |
next-trace | Select next trace | right |
previous-trace | Select previous trace | left |
next-hop-address | Select next hop address | . |
previous-hop-address | Select previous hop address | , |
address-mode-ip | Show IP address only | i |
address-mode-host | Show hostname only | n |
address-mode-both | Show both IP address and hostname | b |
toggle-freeze | Toggle freezing the display | ctrl+f |
toggle-chart | Toggle the chart | c |
toggle-map | Toggle the GeoIp map | m |
toggle-flows | Toggle the flows | f |
expand-privacy | Expand hop privacy | p |
contract-privacy | Contract hop privacy | o |
expand-hosts | Expand the hosts shown per hop | ] |
expand-hosts-max | Expand the hosts shown per hop to the maximum | } |
contract-hosts | Contract the hosts shown per hop | [ |
contract-hosts-min | Contract the hosts shown per hop to the minimum | { |
chart-zoom-in | Zoom in the chart | = |
chart-zoom-out | Zoom out the chart | - |
clear-trace-data | Clear all trace data | ctrl+r |
clear-dns-cache | Flush the DNS cache | ctrl+k |
clear-selection | Clear the current selection | esc |
toggle-as-info | Toggle AS info display | z |
toggle-hop-details | Toggle hop details | d |
quit | Quit the application | q |
quit-preserve-screen | Quit the application and preserve the screen | shift+q |
The supported modifiers are: shift
, ctrl
, alt
, super
, hyper
& meta
. Multiple modifiers may be specified, for
example ctrl+shift+b