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Theme Reference

The following table lists the default Tui color theme. These can be overridden with the --tui-theme-colors command line option or in the theme-colors section of the configuration file.

bg-colorThe default background colorBlack
border-colorThe default color of bordersGray
text-colorThe default color of textGray
tab-text-colorThe color of the text in traces tabsGreen
hops-table-header-bg-colorThe background color of the hops table headerWhite
hops-table-header-text-colorThe color of text in the hops table headerBlack
hops-table-row-active-text-colorThe color of text of active rows in the hops tableGray
hops-table-row-inactive-text-colorThe color of text of inactive rows in the hops tableDarkGray
hops-chart-selected-colorThe color of the selected series in the hops chartGreen
hops-chart-unselected-colorThe color of the unselected series in the hops chartGray
hops-chart-axis-colorThe color of the axis in the hops chartDarkGray
frequency-chart-bar-colorThe color of bars in the frequency chartGreen
frequency-chart-text-colorThe color of text in the bars of the frequency chartGray
flows-chart-bar-selected-colorThe color of the selected flow bar in the flows chartGreen
flows-chart-bar-unselected-colorThe color of the unselected flow bar in the flows chartDarkGray
flows-chart-text-current-colorThe color of the current flow text in the flows chartLightGreen
flows-chart-text-non-current-colorThe color of the non-current flow text in the flows chartWhite
samples-chart-colorThe color of the samples chartYellow
samples-chart-lost-colorThe color of the samples chart for lost probesRed
help-dialog-bg-colorThe background color of the help dialogBlue
help-dialog-text-colorThe color of the text in the help dialogGray
settings-dialog-bg-colorThe background color of the settings dialogblue
settings-tab-text-colorThe color of the text in settings dialog tabsgreen
settings-table-header-text-colorThe color of text in the settings table headerblack
settings-table-header-bg-colorThe background color of the settings table headerwhite
settings-table-row-text-colorThe color of text of rows in the settings tablegray
map-world-colorThe color of the map world diagramwhite
map-radius-colorThe color of the map accuracy radius circleyellow
map-selected-colorThe color of the map selected item boxgreen
map-info-panel-border-colorThe color of border of the map info panelgray
map-info-panel-bg-colorThe background color of the map info panelblack
map-info-panel-text-colorThe color of text in the map info panelgray
info-bar-bg-colorThe background color of the information barwhite
info-bar-text-colorThe color of text in the information barblack

The supported ANSI colors are:

  • Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Gray, DarkGray, LightRed, LightGreen, LightYellow, LightBlue, LightMagenta, LightCyan, White

In addition, CSS named colors (i.e. SkyBlue) and raw hex values (i.e. ffffff) may be used but note that these are only supported on some platforms and terminals and may not render correctly elsewhere.

Color names are case-insensitive and may contain dashes.